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Rates current as of and subject to change.

Rates shown are based on a minimum FICO score of 730. APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Stated rate includes .25% discount when you set up direct deposit. Direct deposit must cover at minimum the monthly payment due and be set up within 60 days from loan funding.

Vehicle Loans

Max Loan Term APR as low as Financing Payment Per $1,000 Borrowed
Up to 36 Months 5.74% 100% $30.31
48 Months 5.74% 100% $23.37
60 Months 6.24% 100% $19.45
72 Months 6.49% 100% $16.81
84 Months 6.74% 100% $14.97

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Rate increase of .25% for used vehicles. Rate will be discounted by .25% if total financed amount is less than 80% LTV. Purchase transactions up to 125% LTV. All rates and terms may vary depending on credit worthiness and the amount and percentage financed. Please note that vehicle financing is for vehicles in the state of California.

RV, Boat & Motorcycle Loans

Max Loan Term APR as low as Financing Payment Per $1,000 Borrowed
36-84 Months 7.50% 100% $31.11

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Personal Loans

Max Loan Term APR as low as Payment Per $1,000 Borrowed
24 Months 10.25% $46.28
36 Months 10.25% $32.40
48 Months 10.25% $25.50
60 Months 10.25% $21.39

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Lines of Credit

Max Loan Term APR as low as Payment Per $1,000 Borrowed
Variable 11.50% $25.00

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Repayment on Lines of Credit is based on 2% of the loan balance at the most recent advance, or $25, whichever is greater.

Early Payday (Payday Loan Alternative)

Max Loan Term APR as low as Financing
Variable 28.00% Not based on credit score

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Share Secured Loans

Max Loan Term APR as low as Financing
Up to 60 months Current dividend rate + 3.00% 100%

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Certificate Secured Loans

Max Loan Term APR as low as Financing
Up to 60 months Current dividend rate + 3.00% 100%

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Share and Certificate Secured loans are secured by your savings or certificate. Approval and rate is not based on credit score. Repayment of Share and Certificate secured loans is based on the term and amount of the loan. The maximum term for a certificate secured loan is 36 months. The term of the certificate must match the term of the loan.

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