Cal State LA FCU home

Credit Union auto loan programs are among the best available anywhere! We can finance your new or used car, SUV, van, mini-van, light truck and more. We offer a variety of rates and terms to help more borrowers, not just those with perfect credit. Car shopping this weekend? Apply now and get pre-approved.

Use our calculator tool to help determine how much your loan payments will be.

trustage auto insurance


  • Financing available up to 125% LTV
  • When you finance 80% or less LTV you may qualify for a discounted rate.
  • Terms up to 84 months for loan amounts over $25,000.00
  • Loan pre-approval available to give you a bargaining edge at the dealer.


  • Financing available up to 100% LTV
  • Terms are based on the remaining loan balance.
  • Minimum loan amount $5,000.00.
  • Vehicles must be titled in CA.

REFI Savings Really Add up!

If you purchased a $20,000 auto and financed it at 10% on a five-year term, your monthly payment would be about $425. If you refinanced your vehicle at the credit union a year later, perhaps with terms of 7.5%APR on a four-year loan, your monthly payment would be about $405, a $20 per month savings. That's a savings of $950 over the life of the loan! Is refinancing right for you? View our current rates, then compare your outside-lender's rate and payments to ours by using the loan calculator.

Car Title Loans

Car title loans are an option for those who have paid off their auto loans, but need cash now. Having trouble getting credit? If your vehicle is paid off, you may be able to qualify for a car title loan based on the value of your vehicle.

See rates and payment examples

For personalized assistance and more information, call the Credit Union at (323) 505-2600.

To Apply:

Please fill out a vehicle loan application. Once your application has been submitted, please e-mail the following supporting documents to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or bring in a copy to our branch office at 2445 Mariondale Avenue Los Angeles CA, 90032:

  • 2 most recent paystubs (if you receive other sources of income, please contact us for additional information)
  • Current evidence of insurance
  • Current registration (refinance transactions)
  • Most recent statement from current lender (refinance transactions)

Contact info:

  • Loan Department: 323-505-2600
  • Fax: 323-505-2613 Attn: Loan Dept.
  • Mailing address:
    Cal State L.A. Federal Credit Union
    Loan Dept.
    2445 Mariondale Ave.
    Los Angeles CA 90032

All loans are based on approved credit. All rates, terms, programs, and conditions subject to change without notice. We do not refinance our own loans. For available rates, terms, and payment examples, please see the Loan rates page.


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